Twitter is a powerful thing. Twitter told me about last week’s
Bristol Big Market, part of Bristol Green Week. Twitter told me Whitney Houston
had died before it had even hit the press. Twitter will I’m sure, keep me
updated with all the Glastonbury gossip (and further fuel my jealousy). And so
it was through Twitter that I found out about 40 Alfred Place, “the world’s
first permanent pop-up venue” nestled in Kingsdown.
What a seriously good idea.
This place can be rented for parties and events, be an Italian one night, a
Mexican the next and finish the week with a wine tasting. My route to work
takes me past 40 Alfred Place every day, yet somehow I’d never spotted it. Now
I’ve been however, it’s a different story as I’m constantly looking for any
faint signs that there might be a new pop-up night being prepared (the biggest
clue is often copious amounts of tealights).